Something fascinating keeps coming up in conversations that I have been having recently with creative entrepreneurs: Often, the areas where we most undercharge are precisely where we deliver our highest value. I feel that it’s a pattern that shows an important truth about how we view our natural talents.
The Paradox of Natural Expertise
I was talking with a brand identity designer last week, and her story resonated with me because I see this happening so often. She shared how she feels almost guilty charging for work that “just flows,” but when we talked more about it, we discovered these effortless elements were exactly what was transforming her clients’ businesses. It reminded me of my own experience with my earlier creative business, where I used to hesitate charging properly for what felt most natural to me—the way I could understand briefs deeply and envision what would work well in unique spaces.
I’ve noticed this pattern coming up consistently while working with creative business owners over the years. We often charge less for our most valuable skills simply because they feel natural to us. It’s rather like a photographer who naturally sees the perfect moment to capture, or a web designer who understands how to structure a site for better engagement. These aren’t simple skills—they’re expertise that’s become refined through experience.
“We often charge less for our most valuable skills simply because they feel natural to us. These aren’t simple skills—they’re expertise that’s become refined through experience.”
Understanding True Value
I’ve come to realise that so often what we think of as “easy” is almost always something of genuine value to others. When something flows easily for you, it’s not because it’s simple—it’s because you’ve developed your expertise and understanding until it’s become second nature. I find we often overlook the very things that make our work particularly helpful to our clients.
“What we think of as ‘easy’ is almost always something of genuine value to others. When something flows easily for you, it’s not because it’s simple—it’s because you’ve developed your expertise and understanding until it’s become second nature.”
What Happens When We Undervalue Our Natural Expertise
I’ve observed how undervaluing our natural abilities affects our business in subtle but important ways. We might spend more time on technical elements that feel more straightforward to charge for, while moving quickly through the aspects that actually make our work distinctive. This influences not just how we feel about our work, but how sustainable our business becomes.
A Different Way to Think About Pricing
I’d like to share a story that I think illustrates this well. One of my previous students creates bespoke rugs for high-end interior designers. When we first spoke, she was pricing her work based on materials and time at her loom. But through our conversations, she began to recognise something important: she had a natural ability to understand complex briefs and create designs that worked beautifully in each space.
This talent—the way she could interpret challenging requirements into exactly the right design—was helping her interior design clients succeed with their own clients. Yet she’d been pricing her work close to standard rugs, thinking she needed to stay competitive rather than reflecting the true value she was creating.
“Her natural ability to understand complex briefs and create designs that worked beautifully in each space was helping her interior design clients succeed with their own clients. Yet she’d been pricing her work based simply on materials and time.”
Building Your Value Bridge
I find that aligning pricing with value often starts with taking some time to reflect. Looking back at your recent work, notice where your natural expertise appears. What challenges do you solve almost without thinking? What opportunities do you create that feel completely natural? These elements all contribute to the value you bring to your clients.
For the next six months, consider taking it step by step:
Begin with a month of reflection and noting your expertise
Then try implementing new pricing for one service
Use the following months to observe and make gentle adjustments
“This isn’t about making dramatic changes overnight. It’s about moving carefully towards a way of working that honours both your expertise and your clients.”
The Quiet Transformation
I’ve seen thoughtful changes in pricing create meaningful shifts in how a business feels. You find yourself with space to grow steadily and focus on your clients. It creates room to develop your work without constant pressure. Often, the business becomes more energising and sustainable.
This isn’t about making dramatic changes overnight. It’s about moving carefully towards a way of working that honours both your expertise and your clients. Your natural abilities are the result of your experience, insight, and unique perspective. When you price your work to reflect this, it creates space for your best work to develop, and your clients receive the full benefit of your expertise.
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