Looking back at how my business has evolved, certain decisions stand out as true turning points - moments when choosing a different path completely changed how my business felt and functioned. They were pretty much fundamental shifts in how I approached my work and what I valued most, each one teaching valuable lessons that shaped the next evolution.
What's particularly interesting is how these changes, which were primarily focused on creating a business that felt more natural and enjoyable to run, ended up leading to my first seven-figure year. It wasn't the goal I was consciously working towards, but rather a result of making decisions that aligned everything more authentically with how I work best.
I've been thinking about these transformations recently, and I'd like to share eight changes that radically reshaped my business. Each one came with its own learning curve - some changes were challenging to implement, others felt almost natural once I made the decision, but all of them led to creating a business that's not just more profitable, but genuinely energising to run. I really hope you find these insights helpful for your own creative business.