While my current schedule works well in many ways, these planned changes feel like natural changes rather than dramatic overhauls.

"Build your day around when you work best, not others' rules."

"Omg, I can't believe this exists. It's my favorite purchase ever already!"


for life

This is your main shop page and we've populated it with a number of different kinds of grids so you can find the one that works best for your brand.


From 5:30am starts to summer days in Greece

I've always been a little reluctant to talk about my "daily routine" as it feels a little too overly influencer-esque, but I think it's a really good idea to share what works, as there might just be a few ideas that might help you, and I always LOVE hearing how other people manage their days, in the hope I might find some ideas how I can improve my efficiency and just really enjoy my days! So, I'll be brave and step into this conversation about what my days look like right now, what works and what I'm planning to adjust.

I'm also very keen to make it loud and clear that I love change, flexibility is very important to me, so I don't religiously stick to this, but this is typically how many days play out.

Most Work Days

My day starts around 5:30am, which gives me some time before the house wakes up. This is probably my favourite part of the day - I use this time either to dive straight into a project I'm in the middle of, or for planning, reading (usually through Blinkist), and often a few minutes of yoga. I've recently invested in an infrared light therapy panel, which gives me a perfect opportunity to listen to Blinkist while doing something really good. To note, whether it really does or not, the light therapy definitely helps me to feel calmer. My skin also always feel great afterwards, and alongside proper stretching, it relieves any tight muscles, but if anything, it forces me to sit still for a few minutes each day!

Once the family's up, it's school run time, followed by a quick social media check.



My main work day runs from about 9am to 3pm, though it varies. I've learned that I'm freshest in the mornings, so that's when I focus on core work. I'm big on content batching - it's just so much more efficient than trying to create things on the fly.

One thing that really helps is having specific days for calls and meetings. The mastermind group I'm part of has been incredibly valuable, so that gets protected time in the schedule.

Core Work Hours

This is where my schedule gets more flexible, which I love. During school terms, there's the afternoon pickup and family time. I've made it a priority to watch our daughter's matches on Wednesday afternoons - something I wouldn't trade for anything. During holidays, I tend to step back from work completely in the afternoons.

I usually do a social media check and some planning for the next day, but try to keep work pretty minimal at this point.

Late Afternoons

Following family supper/dinner, I really try to switch off from work completely. I've found this has quite a big impact on of course being present with family, but also it has massively helped me to get far better rest (I've found that it takes two hours to really switch off from work, to make sure I get a food night's sleep).


  • Content batching has been so instrumental for productivity

  • Having structured days for client work and meetings helps manage energy (I keep Tuesdays and Thursdays for these).

  • Protected family time keeps everything in balance

  • Regular learning blocks keep things interesting and help with business growth

What's Working Well

I used to do morning cardio and/or weights sessions and I miss them. Getting back to a proper exercise routine is high on my list - I know how much better everything feels after I've exercised.

Changes I'm Planning

Morning Routine Refresh

I'm adding something new to evenings - some light-hearted learning that has nothing to do with work. Learning Greek is on the cards! It's about keeping the brain engaged in a fun (or at least different!) way rather than always focusing on business.

Evening Learning

This is interesting - I used to be pretty strict about limiting email time, but I'm actually planning to open this up a bit. I've realised I want more direct connections with people on our email list, so I'm creating specific time during my week for dedicated time to properly read and reply to all the emails I receive in response to our weekly newsletters (and if this becomes unmanageable, I'll find solutions to manage it effectively at that stage).

Communication Shifts

I'm looking to create even clearer boundaries around deep work time. The mastermind group has been so valuable that I'm planning to increase my involvement there too - it's just been such a positive influence on both business and mindset.

Deep Work and Collaboration

One big shift I'm excited about is expanding my learning beyond just industry specialists. I'm looking into areas that might seem unrelated to creative business development, but could bring fresh perspectives to what we're doing. This includes more research and reading into global finances, economic trends, and how larger market shifts influence small businesses. While it might seem somewhat far removed from creative business development, understanding these broader patterns is helping me think differently about future opportunities and how we might need to adapt in the coming years.

Broader Learning

Writing this out has made me realise how much thought we put into our daily routines without always noticing it. While my current schedule works well in many ways, these planned changes feel like natural changes rather than dramatic overhauls.

"A good routine provides structure while keeping what matters in focus. But it needs to flex with life and occasionally change to stay fresh. Some weeks flow perfectly, others don't - what matters is knowing when to hold firm and when to adapt."

Final Thoughts

SETTING PRICES THAT FEEL RIGHT: Moving Beyond The "What Should I Charge?" Question

Shall We Begin?

COMING SOON: An introductory and quick to implement guide, helping you to recognise the value in what you do best. Perfect when you'd love to improve your pricing but you're not sure where to begin.