I've always been a little reluctant to talk about my "daily routine" as it feels a little too overly influencer-esque, but I think it's a really good idea to share what works, as there might just be a few ideas that might help you, and I always LOVE hearing how other people manage their days, in the hope I might find some ideas how I can improve my efficiency and just really enjoy my days! So, I'll be brave and step into this conversation about what my days look like right now, what works and what I'm planning to adjust.
I'm also very keen to make it loud and clear that I love change, flexibility is very important to me, so I don't religiously stick to this, but this is typically how many days play out.
Most Work Days
My day starts around 5:30am, which gives me some time before the house wakes up. This is probably my favourite part of the day - I use this time either to dive straight into a project I'm in the middle of, or for planning, reading (usually through Blinkist), and often a few minutes of yoga. I've recently invested in an infrared light therapy panel, which gives me a perfect opportunity to listen to Blinkist while doing something really good. To note, whether it really does or not, the light therapy definitely helps me to feel calmer. My skin also always feel great afterwards, and alongside proper stretching, it relieves any tight muscles, but if anything, it forces me to sit still for a few minutes each day!
Once the family's up, it's school run time, followed by a quick social media check.